Friday, June 27, 2014


The Pilgrims came to this country to avoid religious persecution and to found a land where they could worship openly as they chose and in peace.  Our founding fathers based the constitution on Christian/Judeo concepts and stated emphatically that the constitution, the greatest document ever written, could only hold true for a MORAL society...

In 1892
The Supreme Court determined and declared the United States was indeed a
Christian Nation
In 1952
President Truman established one day a year as a "National Day of Prayer."

In 1988
President Reagan designated the First Thursday in May of each year as the National Day of Prayer. 

In 2007
Presidential Candidate
Barack Obama declared that the USA "Was no longer a Christian nation…"

In 2012 
President Obama canceled the 21st annual National Day of Prayer ceremony at the White House under the ruse Of "not wanting to offend anyone" 
BUT... on September 25,2009, from 4 AM until 7 PM,a National Day of Prayer FOR THE MUSLIM RELIGION was Held on Capitol Hill, beside the  White House.

There were over 50,000 Muslims in D.C. that day. HE PRAYS WITH THE MUSLIMS!

We are told that we offend people if we wish them Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah.  We no longer call a Christmas tree a Christmas tree… it is a HOLIDAY Tree.    Jewish Mennorahs are not allowed to be displayed on “public property” and neither, of course are nativity scenes or other holy statues.  Crosses which have stood throughout this great nation for decades are now being removed because it offends Atheists or Muslims.

Our children no longer celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah or EASTER in schools as it might offend someone.  But they are taught about the Muslim Faith openly AND foot bathing areas and prayer rugs are being provided in public colleges throughout the nation.

Our military men and women are told they can no longer wear crosses or the Star of David with their uniforms.

Apparently it doesn't matter If "Christians" or Jews etc are offended by this event -
We obviously don’t count as "anyone" anymore.
The direction this country is headed
should strike fear in the heart of every Christian AND Jew, especially knowing that the
Muslim religion believes that if Christians and Jews cannot be converted, they should be annihilated

Apparently religious freedom now only exists for anyone who is NOT a Christian or a Jew.