Monday, September 28, 2015

Happy 17th Birthday "J"

My Dearest Granddaughter

As you turn seventeen today, I know the Universe has special plans for you and I look forward to seeing how they will unfold. Remember to keep focused on the positive and good things in life and remember what is truly Important.

Sadly I have not been allowed to be around to dispense my grandmotherly advice for several years now, so I jotted down a few thoughts that might be worth remembering one day; even after I am gone. There is nothing new here. You have heard it all before. But maybe it will be helpful to have this collection of aphorisms all in one place. Happy seventeenth birthday my shining star!

Improve your vocabulary. Don't be afraid to learn new words, like "aphorism." Share your skittles. Bathe daily. Wash your hair at least 3 times a week. Brush your teeth after every meal. Floss. Respect your elders. Be kind to those less fortunate than you. Turn off lights. It's good practice for the time that is coming when you will pay your own bills. Use sunscreen(cancer runs high in our family). Write letters – real letters and not just emails or instant messages. Don't forget to send thank-you notes.
Be a good friend. If you have a good friend, consider yourself rich. Don't love money. Don't love things and use people to get them like so many I have known do. Love people and use things to show them. Study hard. Take vacations. Laugh. Marry someone who will help you do so.Read something positive daily. Meditate on truth. Memorize it. Pray. Keep a journal. Say “I’m sorry” when you have done a wrong. Believe in forgiveness. Forgive. Think of something good EVERY Day. Remember heaven does exist.

Take risks, but only for the right reaons. Live dangerously while using common sense. Hope big; always be willing to take that leap of faith. Never compromise convictions. Never demand that others accept your mere opinions. Be sure what you believe. Be respectful toward authority. Evaluate what you are taught in the light of what is right and wrong. Remember to first do no harm.

Never underestimate the value of faith. Organize your life around its life. Help other people. Let other people help you. Listen more than you talk.Don't underestimate the power of encouragement. It is easy to give and it goes a long way. Give away money. Not necessarily all of it but enough of it to remind yourself of how unimportant it is. Make eternal investments and by that I mean to invest in your own soul.

Never jump out of a tree unless you know where you are going to land but don’t be afraid to climb that tree. 

Do not doubt in the dark when those who love you taught you in the light. Sing. Dance; especially with your children.

Read good books, the kind that will make you a better person. Make them your friends. Especially read biographies. Teach your children to love reading.

Finally, impress on your children early in their lives the importance of visiting their grandparents regularly!  Grandparents need their grandchildren as much as their grandchildren need them, believe me… I know

But in the eyes of your biggest fan (your Mom-mom), you are still a little girl!

Happy Birthday Jessica Marie.... I love you more then you will ever know... I hope you remember all of the wonderful things we did together... the places we went and the things we saw.  Those memories will live on and on... no matter what.  I love you