Saturday, June 7, 2014

Epiphany while writing

As I continue to work on the novel I am writing and immersing myself in the ancient culture (as much as possible) of ancient Apache and Pima Indians as well as in spending time in the desert/mountains of the Supersition, I am opening up to the Natural world.

I have come to understand that Nature communicates to all people; maybe not all the time but at least most of the time.  It appears, however, that most people are not aware of the communication that is constantly around them.  Some who do notice it either don’t believe it or they don’t understand it.  Profound encounters and messages are considered supernatural… or worse, psychotic.  Natural signs and omens are considered superstitions and direct experiences are labeled hallucinations.

Are we to believe that Nature itself is not real?  Or have we just lost touch with true reality in our techno pseudo world?