Monday, June 30, 2014


I happen to think that Eve got a bad rap for sending us out of the Garden of Eden.  Eve, the biblical “mother” to us all, when she bit into that apple, gave us the world as we know it – beautiful, flawed, dangerous, full of wonder.  She gave us smallpox, the polio vaccine, the atom bomb, wheat, and daisies “Eve’s radical curiosity, s Barbara Grizzuti Harrison tells us in Out of the Garden: Women Writers on the Bible, “also gave us desire, appetite, and hunger.”
Without Eve, none of us would be wondering what to fix for dinner tonight. Without Eve, I would not be thinking p creative projects that often leave me pacing neurotically until they are completed. But, I also would not know the earthly pleasure that I love, as well as the intense desire for mystical morsels that only God can provide: inner peace, joy, and harmony.
Most of us eat at least three times a day, but how often is our hunger actually satisfied? A good sized piece of lasagna does much more for me then grilled salmon and asparagus, but unless I want to be the size of the Great Pumpkin, I cannot indulge that often.  Many of us constantly hold ourselves in check in so many things – food, relationships, careers – stuffing our desires down deep into the self;  as if sheer determination can keep the lid on longing.  However, I am gradually coming to understand that hunger is holy. Why else would the first petition in the Lord’s Prayer be for daily bread, even before divine assistance?
Our souls know many different kinds of hunger; physical, psychic, emotional, creative, and spiritual. But God gave us the gifts of reason, imagination, curiosity, discernment; we possess the ability to distinguish between our hungers. Are you really hungry this morning for a breakfast biscuit?  Is it passionate kisses you desire or pasta?? Or is it simply a good night’s sleep?
Don’t despise desire, daughters of Eve. For within that desire is the spark of the Divine. Spirit desires to be loved. A woman with a lusty appetite was created to satisfy that longing.
They are all ONE.

Blessed be.

The Passionate Pursuit of Dreams

Dr Williams James (psychologist), brother of the famous American Novelist, stated that personal happiness hinges on a practicality: if your reality lives up to your expectations, you are happy. If it doesn’t, you are depressed.  Basically, I feel that this is as real, personal, and simple as philosophy and psychology get and makes perfect sense.
This means, that we have a creative choice to make if we want to be happy. Do we consciously and continually strive for more accomplishments and accumulations? Or do we “lower our expectations, live with what we have, and learn to be content?
Now most of us mistakenly believe that lowering our expectations means we must surrender our dreams.  As on friend put it, “Sorry, Bonnie, but this sounds like giving up to me.”
Absolutely NOT! 
Dreams and expectations are two entirely different things. Dreams call for a leap of faith, trusting that God is holding the net, so that you can continue in the re-creation of the world with your energy, soul, and vision.  Expectations, on the other hand, are the emotional investment the ego makes in a particular outcome: what needs to happen to make that dream come true.  The ego’s expectations are never vague: Nobel Price, magazine cover, the New York Times best-seller list, mother of the year award.  Your dreams must manifest EXACTLY as the ego imagines or someone is not going to be very happy; and guess who that is? The EGO!  Since none of us can always predict either the future of the best outcome for our journey, this kind of thinking is self-destructive.  Because, if we do not live up to ego’s expectations, we’ve failed again and then, at some point, we really do give up.
The passionate pursuit of dreams sets your soul soaring; expectations that measure the dreams success tie stones around your very soul. I don’t think we should just lower our expectations; I believe if we truly want to live a joyous, adventurous life, that we should relinquish them.
Living your life as a dreamer and NOT as an “expector” is a personal declaration of independence.  You are able to pursue happiness more directly when you don’t get caught up in the delivery details.  Dreaming, not expecting, allows God to step in and surprise you with connection, completion, consummation, celebration.  You dream.  Show up for work. Then let the Spirit deliver your dream to the world.
After a lifetime of setting myself up for heartache, the way I now approach the delicate balance of dreams versus expectations is very Jamesian: Dream. Do. Detach.  Dr James tells us that “when once a decision is reached and execution is the order of the day, dismiss absolutely all responsibility and care about the outcome.”   I now approach my work with a passionate intensity, acting as if its success depends entirely on me. But, once I have done my best, I try to let go as much as possible and have no expectations about how my work will be received by the world.  I have consciously chosen to be surprised by joy. It’s a choice each of you can make as well.
I don’t believe that any of our dreams begin to even come close to the dreams God has waiting with our names on them.  I also believe we will only find out once we start investing our emotions in authentic expression, and not in specific outcomes.
Therefore, today, won’t you try to get real and personal about the pursuit of happiness?  Start by simply letting go…

Blessed be

Friday, June 27, 2014


The Pilgrims came to this country to avoid religious persecution and to found a land where they could worship openly as they chose and in peace.  Our founding fathers based the constitution on Christian/Judeo concepts and stated emphatically that the constitution, the greatest document ever written, could only hold true for a MORAL society...

In 1892
The Supreme Court determined and declared the United States was indeed a
Christian Nation
In 1952
President Truman established one day a year as a "National Day of Prayer."

In 1988
President Reagan designated the First Thursday in May of each year as the National Day of Prayer. 

In 2007
Presidential Candidate
Barack Obama declared that the USA "Was no longer a Christian nation…"

In 2012 
President Obama canceled the 21st annual National Day of Prayer ceremony at the White House under the ruse Of "not wanting to offend anyone" 
BUT... on September 25,2009, from 4 AM until 7 PM,a National Day of Prayer FOR THE MUSLIM RELIGION was Held on Capitol Hill, beside the  White House.

There were over 50,000 Muslims in D.C. that day. HE PRAYS WITH THE MUSLIMS!

We are told that we offend people if we wish them Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah.  We no longer call a Christmas tree a Christmas tree… it is a HOLIDAY Tree.    Jewish Mennorahs are not allowed to be displayed on “public property” and neither, of course are nativity scenes or other holy statues.  Crosses which have stood throughout this great nation for decades are now being removed because it offends Atheists or Muslims.

Our children no longer celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah or EASTER in schools as it might offend someone.  But they are taught about the Muslim Faith openly AND foot bathing areas and prayer rugs are being provided in public colleges throughout the nation.

Our military men and women are told they can no longer wear crosses or the Star of David with their uniforms.

Apparently it doesn't matter If "Christians" or Jews etc are offended by this event -
We obviously don’t count as "anyone" anymore.
The direction this country is headed
should strike fear in the heart of every Christian AND Jew, especially knowing that the
Muslim religion believes that if Christians and Jews cannot be converted, they should be annihilated

Apparently religious freedom now only exists for anyone who is NOT a Christian or a Jew.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Estrangement is becoming epidemic

One of the most painful things that a family can go through other than losing a child to death, is for that child to become an adult and then disown and estrange themselves from their parents. They may do this to one parent or both parents. Regardless of whether it is both parents or just one, the results for the estranged parent (parents) is a devastation that is so severe, it affects almost every facet of their lives. Quite often the estranged child does everything in his or her power to ensure that other siblings (if present) also act out in the same manner.

There appears to be an "hidden epidemic" of this phenomena going on today in America and I daresay it is world wide. While it does affect the parent who is estranged no matter what their sex, there is evidence that it is happening to mothers more than fathers. Perhaps this is due to the fact that mothers are the "nurturers" and are usually the primary caretakers of their children during their growing up years. And in the case of domestic violence, drug addiction or emotional abuse, they may also be the "victims" of their abusive husbands at the same time they are trying to raise their children. So for a mother to be nurturing and protecting of her children while she is living in fear and in an explosive environment, is a tall order for any woman to meet. But most of them try anyway.

There are as many reasons why estranged adult children cut off their parents as there are grains of sand in the ocean. The list is endless, some of it is justified and most of it is not. Here are some of the most common reasons that adult children state to justify their actions.

1). The parents divorced and they side with one parent over the other, or they are upset with both parents.

2.) They do not approve of their parents new spouse and are jealous of that spouse and feel abandoned by the parent.

3.) They are used to the parent paying for everything that they want, and when the parent decided that they are grown up now and should pay their own way, they  get furious and disown the parent.

4.)  They have moved away and met new friends who are very disrespectful to their parents as well, and who convince them that "family is not important" and that their "new family is their friends."

5.)  They have met someone who they marry or live with , who does not like their parents and who influences them to cut off their parents from their lives. These types of spouses are usually very controlling, insecure, and jealous of anyone that takes their partners attention off of them. They issue ultimatums that are "either them or me" types of threats.

6.)  Sometimes they are ashamed of the parent/parents because they have married into a  more lucrative family and lifestyle than they grew up in. And materialistic concerns and status are more important to them then being supportive of their parents no matter what their economic status. Figuratively speaking, their values have changed for the worse.

7.)  Some parents have done such a good job of raising their children that they did too much and these adult children have now become narcissists who care only about themselves and who have become cruel and heartless towards the very people that got them where they are today. They have turned into "people we don't know"  or "people we love, but don't like anymore." In fact, many estranged parents feel like their adult children are complete strangers when they used to be very close to them and their "best friend."

Justified reasons why adult children cut off their parents.
8.) Interfering relatives, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers, fathers, cousins, etc. who actively slander the estranged parent to their adult children because they have issues with them themselves and see this as a form of revenge, and who actively try to be the surrogate best friend, mother, father, etc. of the adult children. Which means the dysfunction in this family was well in place before the adult children were even born.

9.) The adult children have become involved with a religious cult, or friends who tell them they do not need their families and that the cult/friend is their family.

Or the reverse. They have become involved with atheists who actively recruit them to give up their faith in God and thus their ties with their believing, more conservative parents.

Also, they have become so involved with a super conservative church that they think their parents are not Christians and are going to hell.

10.) They have taken something that you said or did, and misinterpreted what you meant or did, and will not listen to any explanation that you have which would clear up their misinterpretation. They will not talk to you, forgive you, or allow for any latitude to mend things. You find yourself between a rock and a hard place.
There are endless reasons, or a combination of reasons for the estrangement, but the bottom line is the estranged parent is shocked, numb, sad, angry, disappointed, dismayed, cannot believe that this has happened to them, depressed to the point of not being able to function, and even suicidal. It feels like your child has died. But you know they are alive and just not available to you anymore. Many times your estranged child will prevent you from seeing of having any contact with your grandchild, so not only are you an estranged parent, you have also become an "estranged grandparent."

How do adult children estrange their parents from their lives?

Estrangement can be a gradual "falling away" that takes place over weeks, months, and sometimes years, or it can be "sudden" and takes you by surprise. It may be "on again off again" and you feel like you are walking on egg shells, not knowing when the next hurtful comment is made, the next abusive email or phone call comes, or the next "slam the door in your face" happens.

They stop emailing you, or answering your emails, they don't call you or accept your phone calls, they block you on Facebook, or block or change their phone numbers, they threaten you with a restraining order if you come near them or their house, they refuse to let you see the grandchildren, they don't invite you to their wedding, their baby shower, their college graduation; pretty much every single "once in a life time event" in their lives you are excluded from.

You are not welcome at births, weddings, funerals, grandkids birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, etc. You are not called on your birthday, or Mother's Day, or on holidays. You have to rely on other people to tell you what your child is doing or even what they look like anymore. Is it any wonder that estranged parents are depressed, confused, and feel hopeless and lost?

Other Questions you may have:

1.) Should I keep trying to contact my adult child or should I wait it out?

2.) What does God think about this ?

3.) How do I handle feeling guilty? Even when I have done nothing wrong?

4.) What resources are out there to help me get through the day?

5.) Should I just show up on their door step or place of work and  confront them?
Estrangement from your adult children is one of the most painful experiences that a parent can go through and it helps to have someone to talk to about it.

If you are at a stage of despair right now and cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel, please do not hesitate to contact a counselor or your religious advisor.  Know that you are NOT alone.

God bless.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

It takes a special man to be a dad

My thoughts are with my father Edward G Breuilly and my beloved husband Douglas James Pike. The first the father from whom I learned so much but most importantly how to laugh and hope. The second the father of my children. Both gone from this earth but never forgotten

Happy Fathers Day

God took the strength of a mountain
The majesty of a tree
The calm of a quiet sea
The generous soul of nature
The comforting arm of night
The wisdom of the ages
The power of the eagles flight
The joy of a morning in spring
The faith of a mustard seed
The patience of eternity
The depth of a family Ned

Then God combined these qualities
When there was nothing left to add
He knew his masterpiece was complete
And so he called it

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The World Lost Another Gentle Soul Today

At around 1:30 this afternoon, I listened to a voice mail that had been left by a young woman whom I call my "Texas Daughter"  I helped raise her for several years and have been at her side, if only figuratively at times, through difficult moments in her life.  Her message said, Bonnie, please call me right away; its important.

Knowing her so well I knew that it had to be important and returned the call immediately.  Not even saying hello, I said, "what's wrong" and my little Texas girl dissolved into tears as she said "my mom is gone"

I had befriended her mother years ago... almost 20 in fact. She was emotionally shattered, drug addicted, and had MPD (three personalities that we knew of for sure).  She had a wonderful little girl inside her, a sad depressed core, and an angry and very destructive third persona.  She was also pretty, charming, and, despite her troubled mind had a heart as big as Texas.

More than once I was called to her house only to have her transported to local hospitals to have her levarged after suicide attempts.  She had been attempting suicide since she was about 12 years old.  We always managed to bring her back from the brink but the pain that lived inside her soul was always far too great.

Her two children grew up, mostly without her physical presence but never out of her heart. Each has their own families now and lived a state away from her (Brenda had left Pensacola where we had met and moved back to her home state of NM in the early 1990s.  The call that my little girl in Texas received today was devastating.

We chatted for about ten minutes on that first call. I told her that, although I could not travel out to her, I would be available by phone ANY time of the day or night... and that I was always with her in heart and mind.  I reminded her what a wonderful daughter she had been.  That she had given her very best to a mother whose mental health had always been in the balance... and that her mother knew she loved her.

Later today, after thinking of all of the good times and bad times I went through with her mother and my Texas Daughter and her brother... I called her back. As I thought, she is alone right now (except for her children).  Her husband is currently in Finland and will not be home until Saturday so she is waiting until Sunday to head out to New Mexico.  Her father was an absolute ass when she called to tell him that her mom (Brenda) had died.  No sympathy... no love... Just  asked if she died from an overdose and told her she should have stopped caring about her years ago   Thank God Angie got her mother's heart and NOT her father's)

I spent a half an hour on the phone with her this time.  The Powers that Be let me hold on to my voice for one last time as I sang the song to Angie that her mother had asked me years ago to sing... The Rose.   Angie cried hard and then told me she was so glad I was still here for her.  How I wish I could be at her side.  So hard to lose you mother. 

I told her that her mother loved her so very much.  Though her mind was disturbed, her heart never was and the thing that kept pulling her back to life were her daughter and her son...I told her that her mother had now become that rose and was in the sun... she was finally at peace and walking beside her all the time now. 

She has decided to cremate her mother (most affordable) and as she had wanted to be buried with her sister and her mother, scatter some of the ashes on each of the graves and some on a rose bush... the rest she is going to keep.  I plan on getting her a special cremation "vile" that will decoratively let her keep her mother close to her heart...  she said she would like that. 

I am hoping, if finances are with me, to send Angie some yellow roses...  her mother's favorite. 

How I hate the fact that I cannot get to her...  she needs to be held. 

I then recalled a quote by Henry David Thoreau: “On the death of a friend, we should consider that the fates through confidence have devolved on us the task of a double living, that we have henceforth to fulfill the promise of our friend's life also, in our own, to the world.”

So my sweet Brenda...  as I light a fire tonight and send a rose to heaven with your favorite song, I will try in what days the Good Lord gives me to live for you as well...  you will continue to join me in my dance of shadowplay.

I will look after your little girl...  I always have.


Good night sweet friend.  I know Doug is giving you a big bear hug and your Mom is holding her little girl again and you are free from pain.  Dream the dreams of angels.

Some say love, it is a river
That drowns the tender reed
Some say love, it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed
Some say love, it is a hunger
An endless aching need
I say love, it is a flower
And you, its only seed

It's the heart, afraid of breaking  
That never learns to dance
It's the dream, afraid of waking
That never takes the chance
It's the one who won't be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul, afraid of dying
That never learns to live

When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
And you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed
That with the sun's love, in the spring
Becomes the rose

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Confidence and Esteem

In my humble opinion, self confidence should NEVER be confused with self esteem. You see, to me, self esteem s how I feel about myself in the privacy of my own heart and soul. It is where I ask those difficult questions such as:

Question: Do I love, accept, and approve of myself unconditionally?
Answer: No, not yet.

Question: Do I believe that I am worthy of love?
Answer: No, not yet.

Question: Do I believe that I deserve the best life has to offer?
Answer: Hell no!

You see, in this particular area I have learned a sad but hardened reality: the quality of self esteem hinges almost entirely on outside forces and can be directly or indirectly traced back through our relationships with parents, family, teachers, and even our own children. If they unconditionally loved and accepted and approved of us, then we probably do too -- but that is not the case for the vast majority of us. Unconditional love is oft times an enigma or something promised in religious doctrine. Humans are, after all --- human.

However, after I reached the age of 50, I learned the true meaning of self confidence; that magical elixir of spiritual grace that prepares me and you to face and surmount the challenges of life and yes, even death -- that constant companion of each of us from the moment we are born. I find that I have plenty of that elixir to drink and to spare.

As most know, I did not grow up in a supportive, loving home but I VERY fortunately had loving and supportive people in my life bot now and as a child. They showed me how to mix my own creative blend of life giving essences: attitude, gratitude, experience, knowledge and hope. It is a tasty elixir indeed.

My after 50 face/body, even though scarred and mutilated, is more comfortable than anything I lived in previously because, you see, self confidence is an amazing beauty treatment. Despite cancer(s), MS, and epilepsy, I actually look better because I finally "feel" better about me. Failure grief, and pain as well as success, joy, and love truly have serve me well.

I have finally, Finally, FINALLY, tapped into the most hard won of all virtues -- wisdom. I do not know how much longer God plans to let me stay here, but for now, I remain optimistic.

Optimism is an essential ingredient to self confidence (not to be confused with self bravado or ego) as is learning from our mistakes. EVERYTHING in life -- in nature (as well as everyone we meet or know" has something to teach us once we are WILLING to be taught. I am learning a great deal about what the natural world around me has to teach as I work on this new novel.  I just have to turn over the technical crap, quiet my soul and mind, and listen.

I remember once telling my daughter Mary, when she was challenged by a Spanish class as a teen, "If you think you can - you can and will. If You think you can't, you can't and won't" These are words I live by even today -- and they have seen me through many a bad bad time.

So today, dear reader, let yourself believe that you can do anything you want to do -- because YOU CAN. (something I taught all of my children and my granddaughter Jessie) All that is needed is just a pinch of self confidence to enhance a wilted self esteem.

Stay true to YOUR chosen path. Blessed be

Little Changes

"True life is lived when tiny changes occur" ~Leo Tolstoy~

For the longest time, in truth for the first 50 years of my life, I have been afraid, unskilled, and felt totally unworthy of nurturing myself. Does this sound familiar to any of you? Ever asked yourself why?

Aside from a definite lack of my own self worth, which for 50 years revolved solely around taking care of others --people pleasing-- I have also learned that I lived in fear of my own creative success.

One thing, no two things, that brought me to this epiphany were extreme family conflict and the publication of my recent book Shadows of Love. One reignited the creativity that had been lying dormany for over 9 years and allowed it to blossom like a plant moving toward the light.

Both the upheaval in my own family and the publication of my last book (Dancing With The Spirits of Shadowplay  (and the subsequent request to write another which is well underway) showed me in neon lights that I had to make changes in my life, even ones I did not want or like, to get me out of my familiar rut which had become so comforting even if in an insidious fashion. These were not to be massive changes, just little ones.

Little changes will eventually lead to great leaps and although self nurturing is difficult for me, I have learned that if I want MY life to come together, I have to start treating ME better. I have definitely learned over the course of these last several months that no one ever will do it for me... and no one else can do it for you.

We can all start this self nurturing process today by doing something as simple as making a list of ten things you could do or want to do for yourself. Then pick just one of those and DO IT. JUST DO IT!

Then find a quiet spot or cut out a time frame just for you and take an honest look at how y0 treat yourself. Do you get enough sleep? Are you getting enough exercise? Do you schedule time for medication or find a way to simply shut out the outside world and really relax? Can you turn off the t.v., the cell phone, the computer, the radio etc for just one day to spend time with you? How about pursuing things that bring you pleasure?

Epiphany while writing

As I continue to work on the novel I am writing and immersing myself in the ancient culture (as much as possible) of ancient Apache and Pima Indians as well as in spending time in the desert/mountains of the Supersition, I am opening up to the Natural world.

I have come to understand that Nature communicates to all people; maybe not all the time but at least most of the time.  It appears, however, that most people are not aware of the communication that is constantly around them.  Some who do notice it either don’t believe it or they don’t understand it.  Profound encounters and messages are considered supernatural… or worse, psychotic.  Natural signs and omens are considered superstitions and direct experiences are labeled hallucinations.

Are we to believe that Nature itself is not real?  Or have we just lost touch with true reality in our techno pseudo world?

Sorry mom....

A gray old woman sits all alone
Unloved, uncherished and unknown.
Sitting beside her broken door.
Dreaming of days past long ago,
When children played about her knee
Filling the air with childish glee,
Tended by her with loving care.
Knowing the blessing of a Mother's prayer.
But now they have gone, each to his life
A girl to her husband, a boy to his wife,
Forgetful are they of her who sits here
Silently wiping a tricking tear,
For striving for things in a life so brief
Blind their poor eyes to a dear Mother's grief.
But does she upbraid them in word or in mind.
Nor does their neglect to her seem unkind.
She'll forgive and forget all unkindness they've shown
This poor old mother who sits alone.