It was from the moment you entered my life,
So tiny and helpless and new...
That nothing would ever again be the same,
Only better; for now there was you.
How could I know as I looked at you then,
That old feelings would find a new start?
Or in time you'd remind me of memories long past,
Or how deeply you'd enter my heart?
Just watching you grow was a marvelous sight,
As you toddled and learned how to walk.
Then I watched in amazement as time slipped away,
And like magic, you started to talk.
The touch of your tiny hand clinging to mine,
Formed a bond that would last like no other.
Giving rise to the memories I'd long since forgotten
Of the same things I'd felt for your uncles and mother.
With a certain perception that grandmothers have,
I was always able to see,
The warm summer breezes and the scent of the rose,
That abounded when you were with me.
Just seeing the warmth of the light in your eyes,
And the billowy bounce of your hair,
Confirmed without question, that deep in my heart,
Was a special love so rare.
As time slipped away and you started school,
My adoration just grew...
For you learned all so quickly, each thing that you tried,
Learning much more than I ever knew.
So it is, that I marvel while watching you grow,
Perhaps one day to be a young wife.
Still, long I'll remember those earliest years,
When you lightened and brightened the days of my life.
Though years bring upon us all manner of tune,
The sweetest of songs are unsung...
But these memories for all my yesterdays I'll keep,
For the warmth of their glow keeps me young.
No one can know all the love that I felt,
In the warmth of your tender embrace.
Or the fondest of memories kept with me still,
That the passage of time and cancer can't erase.
A grandmother's love, like a mother's love is forever,
It is patient and caring and true...
And it's mellowed by sharing with two special girls...
Your beautiful mother ... and you.
So I opened my heart, as I opened my arms,
Now whenever is whispered my name...
Know that I'm with you wherever you go...
And so thankful to them, you came.