When we bring our love into everything that we do, we have the power to change all that is. Just as one small stone can spread ripples through an entire body of water, so too can love send a ripple out that will be felt by the Universe. We do not need to demonstrate a grand act of sacrifice in order to make a difference; just the smallest seed of love will do, For that seed will give birth to more seeds, which will give birth to yet more seeds.
What kind of seed are we talking about, you ask?
Well, lets see, we could start by sending a genuine smile to the stranger on the street. Or how about sending a note of gratitude and appreciation to a friend for no reason except they are your friend; they exist? Or how about the simple fact that every time we do the dishes, if we bring mindfulness and loving attention to each dish, each washing, each rinse, then too we are planting a seed. We are expressing all the love which we are through that one simple task.
Every time we take out the trash (even when our mates, children or spouses refuse to do it), we might silently give thanks for all the goods, services, and blessings we received from each discarded item before it became trash. We might give thanks to all the people who were a part of making those goods and services. Yes, we give thanks for trash because we have it to throw away... it is a loving task.
When we receive a telephone call from a wrong number or a sales person we don't want to talk to, we might honor and bless them and end the call politely with dignity and respect. For we know that they, too, are sojourners on this path of life, that they a part of us.
Do you know that you sow a seed of love every time you put your physical surroundings in impeccable order. For it does not matter if we live in a palace or one room, it is what we make of our space that determines the quality of our living there.
When we are spending time with a loved one and they have something to communicate to us, we might give them our full attention and look them in the eye and not be interrupted by the television, the video game, or thoughts of work.. We might take as many opportunities as possible to look into the heart and soul of each person we interact with for tomorrow is never guaranteed and it may be the last time we see them, hold them, hear their voice.
Nor should we forget those other magnificent opportunities to express the love within us; such as creating a meal, working at our desk or office, doing the laundry, playing with play dough, paying our bills, walking the dog, tucking a sleepy child into bed, holding the hand of a sick loved one, and so on.
All daily routines can become an immense experience of our own divinity when we make it sacred and give freely in unconditional love. We need not run (SHOULD NOT RUN) from the mundane cares of life to find truth and inner peace. We need not seek out an ashram, a guru, or a burning bush to find the answers or purpose of life. We each have the answer within and that answer is love...