The family is dying
against her will
leaving angry survivors bickering
picking over
inheritances of loyalty owed
because "I did this but You did not do that"
and broken people and small children
become weapons
in a war to settle
puerile competitions
misread ignorance
and entitlement issues.
Memories have been sold,
red flags fluttering
a past full of "US" "THEM
and love broken into so called
necessary "individuality"
which means nothing more then
"I am important and you are not".:
A warm family history traded for one person’s
another’s cherished spite.
And not so silently
her longed for children walk away,
from her;
eventually from each other;
sadly from themselves
like organs transplanted
leaving a shell
of a family now lifeless.
And there is nothing she can do
to stop it,
but say "I will love you always..."
and wish them well