Many believe that life situations are cyclical and occur over 7 year periods before change begins anew. If this is true, then this has been my season of Loss. It has, sadly also been the season of loss for our Country and for many of my friends and family.
The sad truth is that if we are alive, we cannot escape loss. Loss is a necessary and very real part of life. To paraphrase Mary Stewart (English Novelist), "have you ever thought, when something dreadful happens, a moment ago things were not like this; let it be THEN not NOW, anything but now? And you try and try to remake THEN, but you know you can't. So you try to hold the moment quite still and not let it move on and show itself."
Today, as I sit and wait for a call back from my primary care physician regarding the status of two of the tests now completed, I am feeling the fear of more loss. Today is a tough day.
Today might be tough for you too. You might not want the next moment to show itself, to reveal the twists and turns of life's mystery; I know I sure as hell don't. But, at least you have it. You and I, we still have LIFE. A choice as to how you will live this precious day.
So, let's not wish this Good Friday away. Let's not waste it. For the love of ALL that is Holy, redeem each hour. Hold it close. Cherish it. Above all be grateful for it. Let this thanksgiving rise above the din of disappointment -- the fear of opportunities lost, mistakes made, the clamor of all that has not yet come. Let is rise above fear, loss, anger, and sorrow.
And if today should prove so horrendous that this gift doesn't seem worth acknowledging; if you can't find one moment to enjoy, one simple pleasure to savor, one friend to call, one person to love, one thing to share, one smile to offer... if life is SO difficult you don't want to bother living it to its fullest, the do not live today for yourself...
Live it for those who are no longer here to enjoy the gift. Live it for family who have gone on to their heavenly reward, for the victims of 9/11, for the laughter of children, or the simple sight of a flower blooming in your garden.
God bless my dear readers. Happy Easter.