Friday, February 25, 2011
Unionized Teachers? God Help the children of the USA
The above picture was found on line... I felt it highly appropriate given this particular blog.
After watching the horrid fiasco ongoing in Madison WI. I want to personally thank our AZ teachers for TRULY caring about our children, not holding taxpayers hostage, and for teaching our children (particularly here in the greater Phoenix Area) good values (such as we don't pretend to be sick or avoid our responsibilities because we can't have our own way, or teach "socialism over history, math, and reading)
Here in the state of AZ, I will grant you, that our teachers are underpaid... but having had the wonderful fortune to be inside classrooms, helping on field trips, and participating in history days, animated book report shows, violin concerts, etc.. I can see the true devotion our teachers here have to the calling of Teacher. Each day thousands of parents send their life's love to these mostly inspirational caring teachers to be taught the appropriate moral values of life here in the USA, as well as factual history etc. In my granddaughters school, Burkes Basic, she has been taught, actually taught, the Constitution, the Pledge of Allegience, The Declaration of Independence and has memorized the Preamble. Additionally she has studied Helen Keller, Abraham Lincoln, Washington and has honest discussions on current affairs and politics. This is our blessing here in Mesa, AZ.
My next door neighbor, a brand new teacher, seeking permanent employment and currently subbing, has gone into this wonderful calling because she hopes to make a difference. And here, in AZ, our teachers are NOT Unionized... They teach because they care. They RESPECT the will of the voters (remember that... we did vote NATIONWIDE many democrats out of office due to their absolute failure and disdain for the will of the people.
Watching the "Public Employee Teachers Labor Union " as well as the Democratic Senators, shirk their responsibilities, involve the school children in this charade of what they want to call democratic process when what it actually is about is THEIR personal pocketbooks and the willfull disdain of the taxpayers pocketbooks)has absolutely disgusted me.
Why do these teachers have the right to teach children to LIE... to commit FRAUD... and to think they deserve more then the parents of these children have? Oh wait.. .let me ask it this way, doesn't the annointed ONE say we should share the wealth? How about that WI teachers? Why do 13 Democratic Senators think they have the right to take the VOTE of the people and corrupt it by running away to Chicago to avoid their civic responsibilities. DO not DARE tell me it is part of the democratic process. The Democratic Process occured last November when the Governor was elected HANDS down to take the reigns of the government back and reduce the deficit and SAVE the taxpayers and the system. Do not DARE tell me that the governor will not sit down to debate the issue. There is a deficit people and the government cannot withstand this financial barage by a group of self centered people intent on destroying the financial reserves of the very government they want to PAY them a salary. What will you do when the government has NO money? Strike? Sit down to "collective bargain"? Then what do the children do?
If the teachers of WI, OH, etc TRULY care about the children, then GROW UP! Accept the will of the people, shoulder YOUR fiscal responsibilities, teach good values by DEMONSTRATING them, and honor the mantle of educator that you took on.
Again, I am so blessed to live in a right to work state... with teachers who CARE about the students first and foremost... and as a taxpayer I will support them each year to keep a decent wage... but NO ONE deserves taxpayers to foot their health care, their 401 K or to risk being held hostage when money is so tight for all.
Rant over.
Blessed be.
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