Thursday, February 17, 2011


One of my favorite quotes from the New Testament in the Bible comes from Saint Paul who is quoted as saying "I have learned in whatever state I am, therewith to be content." Another one is from James Allen which goes "By virtue of the thoughts, which they choose and encourage; that mind is the master-weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness.

We are told, biblically, that when Eve bit into that pomegranate (you say apple, I say pomegranate since Persephone created her own "mess" LONG before Eve was even a conceptual thought"), she gave us the world today as we know it. Yes it is rife with flaws, beautiful AND dangerous but it is so full of promise. Sure, Eve supposedly gave us small pox, salmonella, and painful childbirth, but she also gave us glorious star filled skies, rainbows, and daisies. Eve's act of cat like curiosity, disobedient though it may have been, gave us pain and sorrow but it also wetted our appetites, dreams, desires --- it made us HUNGRY.

Because of this "first woman's, one discretionary act, I now have to worry about what to prepare for dinner tonight. Because of Eve I am forced to cook up creative projects that oft times leave me stewing in my own proverbial juices... hoping to find the right thing to please family, friends, and neighbors and temporarily assuage their appetites and hunger as well as my own.

I also know the intense desire for mystical morsels that only nature and spirit can provide me with; peace -- harmony -- self acceptance. Ah yes, manna from heaven.

The vast majority of Americans eat about three times a day but, ask yourself this question, how often is your hunger truly satisfied? I know that a stuffed French toast Breakfast replete with hash browns, sausage, and eggs over easy from IHOP does MUCH more for me then my typical morning breakfast of oatmeal and orange juice but, since I don't want to wind up looking like the Great Pumpkin, I can't indulge in that very often -- so hunger goes unsatisfied.

So, too, do most of us hold our other hungers in check -- be it in regard to food, relationships, careers, play, etc. -- stuffing our true selves into artificial shells as if sheer will alone will quell our longings. Doesn't really work now does it?

Over the past several months, as my newest battle with cancer and family issues have required my attention, I have become aware that hunger -- true hunger of the self -- is holy. Human beings, after all, know many kinds of hunger: from the emotional and physical to the creative and the spiritual. The Universe provides us with gifts of reason, imagination, curiosity and discretion -- thus we know how to distinguish from hungers of want and need. And in discerning the differences we struggle with contentment.

This morning, ask yourself this question : What am I REALLY hungry for?
Do I need a splendiferous breakfast or do I really need a break
Do I need to be cuddled or do I want a pizza?
Do I want a good nights sleep or do I need a "girls night out"
Do I want to be loved by everyone else, or do I need to learn to love me?

You see, when I speak of hunger I am actually thinking of the warmth, richness, and reality of a need that has been satisfied. So, do NOT despite hunger, or desire or even that feeling of discontentment for within each hunger is a spark of the divine.


Dear God:
Please give to me a thankful heart for little things
For the sunshine on my kitchen floor
For the News the Postman Brings
Grant me appreciation for those small joys
Which were mine
My granddaughter's birthday parties
A honeysuckle vine
The clean fresh smell of clothes
Just washed
The organ cactus against the wall
Or a little girl's thrilled delight
To finally see her first snowfall
For robins in the spring time
And autumns cooling weather
For leaves that crunch
Friends in for lunch
And laughter shared together

I do NOT Ask Contentment
For that would ambition stay
Just let me love the little things
I find along life's way

Blessed be!

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