Saturday, November 15, 2014
A Day of Magic and Miracles
Since my layoff from Qwest Communications back in 2008, and after being un employed for 9 months, selling off my stocks, closing out my 401K and using every last bit of savings before even taking the meager unemployment that Arizona laughingly offers people (240.00 a week which will not even pay a person's rent let alone utilities, food, car, gas, etc) I finally landed a job through a temp agency... and I have been working temp jobs ever since.
I have managed to keep myself gainfully employed over these last almost 7 years despite the serious economic restraints of our deteriorating government and my own health issues. However, I also have had to deal with the gut wrenching fear of NOT being employed again when each contract job has ended, not having any paid sick leave or vacation time. Yesterday, all of that finally came to an end.
My current contract with Alcoa was coming to a close. Their general policy is NOT to retain their contract workers (no direct hire) after one year... so the panic was already setting in. Initially they denied any extension my Manager Jeff was requesting. Then he came up with a wonderful brainstorming idea... and I was informed late yesterday afternoon that I am to remain with HIM for as long as I want. Some duties will change (more will be added) and my office location will not longer be in his building (even though I will be still working directly for him) but the Plant Manager (who already sought me out to edit and publish the weekly news letter and to assit him with the monthly business report) wants me up in the main office section to be the "face of the business" This will take me some getting used to as I don't like being out in front of people but, I will adapt.
Jeff worked magic and miracles over the course of this past week to ensure that not only does he get to keep me (I have made a great deal of successful strides in my year at the plant, including getting the plant upt to 100 percent trained over the last 7 months -- a feet that has never happened) but he has insured that I will now have paid medical time off and paid holidays and vacation time. All of this JUST in time for the major surgery I face in January. When he came into my office yesterday he said.. "Bonnie Pike would you please stand up." In all honesty, I was certain I was being terminated that day and walked out. However, Jeff said... I am a hugger so deal with it and gave me a big bear hug as he said... you are not going anywhere.. I get to keep you on my payroll indefinitely.
For the first time since I left Pensacola... and my job with Centre Group Properties... I finally feel valued as an employee and as a person. I was taught to work hard by depression era parents and not to expect warm fuzzies, but I was also raised in an era where companies and employees had loyalty to one another. That era has rapidly diminished but in this young Manager and my Plant Manager (who is the same age as my oldest son Douglas) I have found those solid beliefs, work ethics and apprecatiation. I have found a home.
Financial woes will not go away as I stil fight to regain my footing after those very bad 9 months of unemployment, cancer which will not stop rearing its ugly head, and the wonderful government taxation system hell bent on keeping most us as the working class poor. But I have a job I love, a great team I work with.... and I have been acknowledged for my hard work and loyalty. Something that has not happened in a very long long time.
I saw my one eye specialist again yesterday as they do bi weekly test on the tumor growing in my good eye. The tumor has not grown any larger... whew. So my time line is still safe. I will see her again in two weeks to have it reviewed again. January 8 is still the set date for this frightening procedure which will either save my sight or destroy it immediately.
I also heard from my brother Joshua. They are expecting another baby... another girl!
How is that for a day willed with Magic and Miracles.
God is good... and today is another wonder-filled day.
Now off to clean the house, play with my shephards, and then head out to celebrate with friends. So much stress is still ahead of me... but so much weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.