"I cannot believe that the inscrutable Universe turns on our sufferings; surely the strange beauty of the world must somewhere rest in pure joy" ~ Louise Bogan~
Accepting and blessing our circumstances are powerful tools in the process of true transfiguration. In reality, this potent combination is a spiritual elixir that can work the real miracles in our lives. But what exactly do I see as acceptance? The circumstances the Universe has recently placed me in are showing me that acceptance is actually surrendering to what are my circumstances, my feelings, my problems, my financial status, my work, my health (which continues to deteriorate), my relationships with people, the delay of my dreams and even more difficult the delay of my absolute need to be returned to the individual I once was and was born to be.
Last night, as I prayed for wisdom while gazing at a star filled sky with my sweet little shihtzus sleeping on the patio with me, I realized that before any further change can occur in my life that I have to understand that this is the way it is meant to be right now.For me, this surrender is a journey through the dark night of the soul. It has become the silent scream, the whispered prayer, and the quiet tears. It is chanting over and over and over again "it's all right". It is all right as in "You lead, I will follow". It's all right as in "Everything will turn out right if you just let go and follow because this is, quite simply, such a small part of such a very long journey."
Last night, during that dark night of the soul, there was an epiphany. Suddenly I understand that a great deal of my struggles to remain content despite outside circumstances have actually arisen as I stubbornly resisted what was happening to me in my life at the present moment. True, in many cases that same stubbornness has literally keep me physically alive but spiritually and emotionally it prevented me from true growth in my faith and in the Natural Order of things.
I have learned, albeit slowly, that when I surrender to the reality of the situation - when I don't continue to resist, but truly surrender - a softening in my very soul occurs. Its as if the steam of struggle has been allowed to escape from life's immense pressure cooker. Last night, looking at scrapbooks of me and my granddaughter under a star filled sky we shared so many times, I humbly accepted my circumstances and my true position. and I relaxed.
Last night, I reclaimed my center and finally feel the electrical vibrations alter, the rate of my heartbeat dropping down, and my fear dissipating... i am not at the helm any longer; I never was. Finally, I can once again tap into the boundless positive energy of a Universe NOT hell bent on destruction but on rebirth and creation. Surrender illuminates reality and lights the way to the next step where the Universe is waiting to lead me further.
"Our task is to say a holy YES to the real things of our life as they exist"~ Natalie Goldberg" So yes, this is my battered, bruised, torn apart body that will be rebuilt and made even better so that I may be of greater and longer service... and to give love with for a longer lifetime. This happy space of my granddaughter's is now my the recovery room of my heart, taking me back to a time I never really knew - surrounded by dolls, princesses, fairies, and stuffed animals... all helping to reclaim the little girl in a too soon woman's body. This is where I am to learn special lessons so i can be better ... Where I walk with her in memories of snow, petrified forests, Indian Ruins, horseback rides, swimming pools, and cloud gazing.
I now understand, almost intuitively, that I am now past the Maidens Nubile beauty and the Mother's nourishing breasts have been stripped away from me; never to return. The recent thyroid cancer surgery, skin cancers, liver biopsies and my most recent surgery are turning a once pretty body into a road map of scars. But I know they are battle wounds. I will not regret them further.
I am now entering a new stage... even more vibrant, sensual, beckoning...I am entering that long awaited period of stark individuality - what pagans call the Crone (no do not confuse this with physical age or deterioration of body or spirit) -and in many ways, I feel like a baby; alive and filled with wonder. Taking a stronger hand and walking the path with God. A second birth with the knowledge of my talents, skills, true purpose and, most of all, the limits by which my life will now be lived. I understand. I accept. I surrender.
There are two new books to complete writing (both with waiting publisher). A new Real Estate Business to try to build as I sign on with a new broker. A better place of employment to be found that will be more fulfilling and challenging intellectually. I may not be able to hike or travel much right now, but I believe there will be again. And I know that, if the Universe grants me enough time, there will be laughter to share once more with a special granddaughter (our bond was always strong and love filled)... and maybe even with her mother and uncles and cousins once again.
"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers."
Blessed be.